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Following last year's CitizenCon 2953, ATMO esports is taking things to a whole new level and bringing the perfect post-CitizenCon 2954 event to The Factory in Manchester, UK.

This event will kick off with a competitive ship racing exhibition presented by some of your favorite talent. Then, a panel by members of CIG who have been instrumental to molding racing within Star Citizen. We will hear their opinions and visions about how the future of competitive gameplay fits into the future of Star Citizen.

Finally, the Fight or Flight World Championships bring EU, NA, and ASIA together for the first time to see who reigns supreme. Who will be our first-ever World Grand Champion and lift that Fight or Flight Trophy in front of hundreds of Citizens in attendance? Find out and join us at Enter Atmosphere 2954.

Note: This is a Star Citizen community-run event hosted by ATMO esports with the support of Cloud Imperium Games.

ALL times UTC

Earlier Event: October 18
2954 Citizen Con
Later Event: November 16
Daymar Rally - Practice